About this time last year I made the most amazing peach pie I had ever tasted. I"m not bragging, it was simply common knowledge. Ever since then I have been trying to recreate the masterpiece with dismal results. The first 2 tries of the season didn't even make it to the pie pan. The cornstarch and junk wouldn't thicken and then suddenly burned. I almost ruined my pan that night. The next try made it in the pan and onto a plate but was basically peaches with graham crackers all over them. Not much pie-ness (pronounced PIE-ness, not the other way) going on there. But the sister missionaries said it tasted good...but they have to say that, they are missionaries! The 4th, and I think final one for this year, was a tad better but still just a messy goop on your plate. *sight* I guess I'll perfect my FoodNetwork award winning peach pie next year. We'll have to wait and see.
All pie's aside, we have had a fun couple of days. Last week Norah and I went for some fun hikes. One is Snow Canyon State Park called Jenny's Canyon. It was more like a little jaunt in a river bottom but with a 21lb. baby on your shoulders it was just the right distance. Then Logan did the Red Rock Relay that went from Brianhead, through St. George, and then out to Zion's so Norah and I did a hike while we waited for Logan to finish. I have never seen the park that packed with visitors before! There were parking lots I didn't even know existed that were full of cars. It was fun to be told that Norah was pretty in so many different languages and accents. I've decided that Zion's is one of my favorite places because it combines so many of my favorite things. #1- Beautiful landscapes #2- Fun hikes and rock climbing #3- International people-watching! Ha! I could be so content just sitting on a bench in Zion's watching the crazy/fun people walk by. I love it.
Random side-note: There are only 18 more days until the St. George Marathon. I can't wait for Logan to rock it. Then it will be over and I can have my husband back and I will get to exercise a little bit too. Yay! Training takes so much time and I am always grateful when it's over....and when he does so well. :O)
Norah stuck under the exersaucer.
Norah turned 8 months old today. Wow! Time is flying by. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she weighs 21 lbs....I already said that but wow. I am getting an incredible arm workout every day. She has 7 teeth and getting her 8th one as I write. She is crawling super fast especially when she is getting into something she shouldn't, like toilet paper, garbage cans and the fridge. She will walk if she is holding onto something or someone. She has the best smile and laugh. Overall she is a super happy baby and we are so lucky to have her in our life.
Sorry about the peach pie! I am impressed you are ambitious enough for making pie - sounds like a lot of work. I just made yogurt the other day. Sounds hard but it is actually a cinch! I love the pic with Norah and the books :-)
I'm sure your pie was much more delicious than you thought. I'm definitely not ambitious enough to make a pie:)....maybe someday.
Norah is such a doll. Love her.
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